Services on flat-rate basis
You have a large
amount of text to be translated, authored, verified, proof-read etc.
yearly? Well, you surely come out cheaper if you enter into a flat-rate
contact with us. Flat rates are of advantage for you because:
are lower as compared to one-time rates
capacity credited to you at a pre-determined rate allows you to calculate
costs long term
capacity bought well in advance makes it possible for you to secure your
favourite translator, author, verifier, proof-reader etc. weeks, even
months before the actual job materializes
So, buy yourself
translator's, author's, verifier's, proof-reader's etc. free capacity now
and have it credited to you! You can use this freely whenever necessary
without any limitations whatsoever, provided you let us know of your
intention in advance. And the free capacity available can be transferred
to the next year, and even "replenished" at any time. Any possible rise in
price introduced in the interim will become effective only following the
expiry of the pre-paid period.
other words, secure yourself free capacity in advance. We look forward to
entering into a flat-rate contract with you, and provide all further
details on request!